Monday 3 December 2012

From father to daughter-All the good men

Snuggling up with my Mum at night in my old room, the loneliness of the past seven months disappeared. My Dad having spent so many years working abroad is home and my little brother is piecing together the Lego I bought for him. 

My family is here with me.

My Dad reminded me that I must always be there to lend people a helping hand. What we value in others, we must try and become ourselves. He confirmed that I still have a lot to learn. Everybody in this world has something to teach you. Never shut anyone out. No matter the circumstances, keep calm, stay classy and carry on. It will all work out if you maintain your integrity and good character. I used to cringe when my Dad began one of his lectures but this time, I listened.

My Dad, always protective of my brother and I inquired if I had a boyfriend. I admitted to him I did not. Dad told me that everything in life carries an element of fate. When the time is right, the perfect person will come along. I just haven't met him yet. I opened up to my Dad that I have come across and let go of a lot of good guys. My Dad assured me that while some relationships are worth pursuing, others are better left alone. If for whatever reason it didn't work out, no matter how ideal the person seemed at the time, they were not the one. You are not looking for the perfect man full-stop. You are looking for the perfect man for you.

My Dad advised me; time is always on your side. Take time to really know somebody before assuming they are the one. The silliest mistakes are made out of impulse. Don't assume you know everything because frankly, you don't. You are only nineteen. But if your gut is telling you something about someone, you need to listen. This gut feeling is often the accumulation of past experiences. Don't be afraid of letting go. Never torture yourself because a relationship didn't work out. You will mature with each failure.

The trajectory of relationships can be unpredictable. Timing is critical for anything to move forward. It takes more than mere emotional compatibility for two people to be together. Attraction is important but if you don't have the same values, ethics and similar backgrounds, the chances of working out are very slim. Most importantly, your big picture towards what you want in life must be in sync or else it can never work.

My Dad said the most crucial thing for girls to understand is to maximize their own standards. I must never be someone's backup plan. They if they don't value me, they are not worth my time. If somebody really cares about you, they will find a way to let you know. When it feels like you are trying too hard, it's probably time to leave. He must factor you in his life.

I strongly believe when I do something, I must put in 100%. If I enter a serious commitment, I need to try and make it last. I must also remain dignified. Girls need a clear direction for their lives so they can stand on their own two feet. A smart girl knows she has two arms and two legs and cannot rely on anyone else. I need to own an abundance of strength and knowledge so I can be there for the ones I love.

'I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both of us. Someday I will be strong enough to lift both of us.' 

When the time comes, you must handle situations maturely and considerately. There will always be complications when two people are trying to establish a life together which is why you need to remember to work things out, just the two of you. In a relationship, you need to sometimes carry the weight of both worlds on your shoulders. That's why if you can't even cope with your own frustrations, you are not mature enough to deal with another person's.

Find someone who values you and accepts your flaws. I repeat my Dad's words; it's not able finding the perfect man. It's about finding the perfect man for you. Be with someone who makes you feel safe and comfortable. Someone who supports your goals and ambitions. Someone who loves family and has that strong sense of responsibility. When you look for this person, open your eyes. Don't be emotional, be realistic. Don't look for status, look for potential. Don't look for charm, look for character. 

My Dad finished his talk with a reassuring reminder that I am surrounded by love enough to last me a lifetime. Being alone does not equate to being lonely. Even if I spend the rest of my life without a man by my side, I will still be okay. 

And I believe him. 

Remember, you are that one in a million.

My love forever and always,


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